Opening hours
Mon - Fri 8:00 - 21:00
Sat 8:00 - 18:00

st. Nowotarska 294,
34-431 Waksmund, Poland

Snapping finger correction

Snapping finger correction is a surgical treatment of ailments that gradually impairs function of a hand. Crackling finger is a colloquial name for jamming tendon’s inflammation. It is related to the specific noise of flexing and extending a finger that has undergone the disease process, and the feeling of lack of smooth movement.

The flexor tendons of the fingers should move smoothly in the tendon sheaths during bending and straightening movement due to the fluid generated by the sheath. At the same time, in the case between, other disorders of the production of this fluid and inflammation associated with friction of the tendon may occur.


A person with a snapping finger feels unable to move and extend a finger comfortably. It bends and straightens as you overcome any resistance, and a patient feels a specific click. The finger, with the inflammatory process, may stiffen and hurt and swell. As a consequence, this process can lead to permanent tissue fibrosis.


Snapping finger correction is a surgical treatment that starts with putting on a special arm tourniquet. It stops blood flow throughout the limb, reducing bleeding and facilitating the course of the procedure. Then the doctor makes a cut depending on the place of occurrence of thickening so as to expose the tendon and the tendon sheath, then cut and clean fibrotic tissues. Additionally – if the cut is made in the transverse groove of the hand (at the base of the occupied finger) or in the thumb flexion groove – expands the space around the tendon and relieves the pressure. If the cut is made in the radial area of the wrist: it widens the diameter sheath ring by recreating it. The wound is then sutured and covered with a dressing.

After the surgery

For a few days after surgery, the patient may feel numbness in the fingers and pain. therefore, you may need to use medications prescribed by your surgeon such as painkillers. Both the hand and the entire limb may become swollen due to lymphatic stagnation and venous circulation. If the wound is healing properly, the doctor removes the stitches around 10 days after surgery.

Postoperative recommendations

The condition for obtaining the desired effect of the surgical procedure is to follow the doctor’s instructions, among which can be mentioned:

  • carrying the arm in a sling (for several days), which reduces hand swelling and pain relief,
  • placing your hand on a pillow while lying down,
  • changing the dressing according to the surgeon’s recommendations,
  • implementation of exercises for the subject of finger surgery (as far as the dressing allows – the second day after surgery), which reduces stiffness and swelling
  • saving your hand for a minimum of 1.5 months – including not performing activities that require the use of a strong grip, heavy lifting, etc.).

Snapping finger correction is a procedure performed at the Hand Surgery Center – by experienced specialist: dr. Paweł Zejler, co-founder of the European Center of Surgery, thank to whom we started cooperation.

We cordially invite you to consult the doctor.