Opening hours
Mon - Fri 8:00 - 21:00
Sat 8:00 - 18:00

st. Nowotarska 294,
34-431 Waksmund, Poland

Cryosurgery of skin lesions

Cryosurgery – a procedure involving removal of lesions using a device with liquid nitrogen at a temperature almost minus 200 degrees Celsius – is one of the most effective methods of getting rid of unattractive pappilas or infectious warts, being an alternative to classic surgery.

How it works?

Liquid nitrogen is delivered to the skin surface by the so-called cryoapplicators:

  • spray – in the treatment of superficial changes
  • contact – when we are dealing with the necessity of deep freezing for destruction of the changes.

Low temperature leads to completely safe freezing and removal of the lesion from the subject of cryotherapy – the therapy is also almost painless and does not require application of anesthesthetics (although it can be used, for example, at the Patient’s request). During the procedure, the patient may experience a feeling of coolness, slight itching or burning. Pain may not appear until the defrosting phase, but it does, disappears quickly.

Depending on the type of disease as well as the extent and depth of the lesion, cryosurgery should be performed once or in series – at intervals recommended by the doctor.

Indications for treatment

Among the indications for cryosurgery, the occurrence of such harmless skin changes can be involved into treatment as:

  • fibromas,
  • seborrheic warts,
  • flat warts,
  • warts (common warts),
  • vascular changes (so-called hemangiomas or dilated blood vessels),
  • birthmarks.

After treatment

After removing the lesion, you can expect reddening of the skin in the place of carrying out the procedure – at a later stage there may be slight swelling and itching of the skin, which pass fairly quickly. If the patient’s ailments are bothersome, the doctor may prescribe a steroid ointment to lubricate the site.

We invite you to visit the Aesthetic Medicine Center of our clinic, where experienced dermatologists perform treatments – after prior consultation and assessment of changes: +48 18 264 40 00