Opening hours
Mon - Fri 8:00 - 21:00
Sat 8:00 - 18:00

st. Nowotarska 294,
34-431 Waksmund, Poland

Advanced IPL laser

Vascular changes are a problem not only of an aesthetic nature, but also of health, which affects more and more people. Unattractive erythema or spider veins, especially on the face, are difficult to handle and can cause complexes. People struggling with this type of skin problems are recommended vessel sealing treatments using advanced technology – advanced IPL laser.

Treatments with the use of a laser beam are:

  • practically painless,
  • considered safe,
  • extremely effective,
  • proven (their effectiveness has been clinically proven),
  • do not require a convalescence period.

It is worth adding that they are the most effective method of removing facial erythema that is sometimes treated ineffectively and is difficult to eliminate. To get rid of the problem completely, you must undertake a series of treatments at intervals indicated by a specialist.

Indications for surgery

Treatments with the use advanced IPL laser are dedicated to people with:

  • mild vascular changes – erythema, spider veins,
  • discoloration,
  • rosacea,
  • flat hemangiomas.

The following factors can be mentioned among the contraindications for laser treatment:

  • fresh tan (1 month),
  • taking photosensitizing drugs (retinoids, antidepressants, tetracyclines), pregnancy,
  • consumption of herbs (St. John’s wort, calendula),
  • alcohol consumption (it should be discontinued at least 24 hours before the procedure),
  • decompensated diabetes,
  • active psoriasis,
  • vitiligo,
  • blood coagulation disorders, use of drugs that reduce blood clotting,
  • tendency to develop keloids,
  • epilepsy.

Possible symptoms after surgery

Although the procedure itself is painless, the skin may react for a while with a delicate pinching and burning, which is a natural response to laser pulses. Additionally, at the Patient’s we can observe swelling and erythema – these symptoms will disappear after about a day. During the first 3 days after the treatment, the skin may turn brown and exfoliate strongly – in the case the specialist will recommend the use of antiseptics and thorough lubrication.

Post-treatment recommendations

People undergoing laser treatments should absolutely follow the instructions of a doctor or a cosmetologist – the most important thing is:

  • applying deeply moisturizing creams,
  • protection of the skin against sun radiation by applying high level creams with UVA and UVB filter,
  • avoiding exercises that widens blood vessels,
  • avoiding applying make-up on exposed areas (for about 2 days),
  • no use of chemical irritants, such as soap, alcohol-based preparations,
  • not using mechanical irritants – eg peelings, sponges, rough towels.
  • not using the swimming pool, sauna and gym.

Additional advantages of the laser

In addition to reducing redness, the advanced IPL laser reduces discoloration and causes smoothing the skin surface, thanks to which the mimic wrinkles are eliminated and general skin appearance is rejuvenated. It can even be used on sensitive and shallow vascularized skin, it has also been used in the therapy of rosacea.