Opening hours
Mon - Fri 8:00 - 21:00
Sat 8:00 - 18:00

st. Nowotarska 294,
34-431 Waksmund, Poland

Medical peels

Medical peels (dermopoels / chemoexfoliation) are based on medical uses of substances causing in-depth exfoliation of the epidermis. It is a remedy for skin imperfections – unsightly acne scars, discoloration, blackheads or dry, flaky skin.

Their action is based on controlled damage to the outer layer of the skin, which results in exfoliation of the epidermis, and the final consequence – regeneration causing rejuvenation and improvement of skin condition.

Thanks to the use of dermopoels, the following is obtained:

  • reducing the visibility of pigmented spots,
  • smoothing out acne scars,
  • reduction of maculopapular acne through antibacterial action,
  • reducing the visibility of wrinkles,
  • regulation of sebum secretion,
  • improvement of color,
  • reduction of hyperkeratosis of the skin caused by UVA / UVB radiation.

Types of medical peels

Depending on the depth of their action and concentration values, medical peels can be divided into:

  1. Superficial – covering the upper layers of the epidermis: horny and granular (e.g. peeling with glycolic acid up to 35%).
  2. Medium-deep – reaching the junction of the epidermis with the dermis – i.e. the subepidermal layer ; they stimulate fibroblasts and increase collagen production and elastin (e.g. peeling with the use of TCA or AHA acids at a concentration of 50-70%).
  3. Deep – these are peels reaching the dermis, exfoliating the entire epidermis in depth (e.g. from using phenol) and activating the processes of cell regeneration.

In our clinic, we offer a range of peels tailored to individual skin requirements – initially assessed by a qualified specialist. They can even be performed in the case of sensitive skin. We currently use the entire range of Mesoestetic cosmetics, including pure-based peels or mixed acids:

  • lactic acid,
  • almond,
  • pyruvic,
  • salicylic acid,
  • azelaic acid.

Peeling with lactic acid – is recommended even for people with sensitive skin, especially those suffering from sun discoloration. It moisturizes and helps maintain the proper pH of the skin.

Almond acid peeling – its main advantage is its gentle action, which makes it recommended to people whose skin cannot lerate other acids. It stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin and activates cell regeneration process. Reduces and regulates serum whitening, unblocking clogged pores. As a result, it reduces acne lesions, eliminates blackheads and improves skin tone.

Peeling with pyruvic acid – recommended for people suffering from acne and papular comedones due to its deep action. It results in a strong exfoliation of the epidermis, lasting from a week to 10 days. During this time, the secretion of sebum decreases, the level of sebum is reduced, but at the same time skin hydration is not reduced.

Peeling with salicylic acid – recommended for people with heavily contaminated skin (blackheads, inflammation of the hair follicles, acne inflammatory and non-inflammatory) and discolored (spots, freckles). Thanks to its’ anti-inflammatory properties helps to heal blemishes and irritations while cleansing the pores.

Peeling with azelaic acid – recommended for people with sensitive skin and with acne complaints, as well as those with atopic skin, prone to redness, with a tendency to inflammation of the hair follicles and shallowly vascularized.