Opening hours
Mon - Fri 8:00 - 21:00
Sat 8:00 - 18:00

st. Nowotarska 294,
34-431 Waksmund, Poland

Eye ultrasound – ultrasound examination

Eye ultrasound examination is a non-invasive and painless diagnostic method that allows for evaluation of potential changes in the eyeball, including when the examination of the fundus is for some reason difficult ( due to cataracts or corneal endosperm). Allows for the assessment of the anatomical structures of an eye and examination of the eye socket.


Eye ultrasound is performed in diagnostics, e.g. in the presence of foreign intraocular bodies or suspicion of tumors to measure the length of the eyeball and the thickness of the muscles called thyroid orbitopathy, in post-traumatic, inflammatory and hemorrhagic conditions, or in the case of monitoring changes in patients with diabetes. It is also helpful for selection appropriate lenses – e.g. when replacing them due to cataracts.

The course of the study

As with any ultrasound examination, it is performed with a probe placed over patient’s closed eyelids after wetting them with a thin layer of transparent gel, which allows smooth movement over delicate skin. The image obtained in the examination is immediately visible on the computer’s monitor, which enables the doctor to obtain of the result immediately and provide it to a patient along with description in the treatment room. Ultrasound examination does not require any special preparation and has no side effects, it is completely painless and non-invasive and can be repeated many times.

We invite you to take advantage of the Ophthalmology Clinic’s offer, where experienced specialists will take care of your eyesight.