Opening hours
Mon - Fri 8:00 - 21:00
Sat 8:00 - 18:00

st. Nowotarska 294,
34-431 Waksmund, Poland

Skin tests and blood tests

Skin tests

STP is performed to detect or confirm sensitization in people suspected of atopic dermatitis (AD) and in cases that suggest an allergic reaction to the drug. This is a test which is best used in patients where you suspect an immediate reaction, such as developing at a very fast pace (several minutes) after contact with an allergen and IgE-dependent (involving these antibodies).

This type of test is effective and useful especially in diagnosing allergies to allergens suspended in the air: pollen, mold fungi, house dust mites or hair allergens of animals. They can also recognize the allergens responsible for asthma as well as allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis. They also work well for the youngest patients with suspected food allergy.

Skin prick tests are performed at the Allergology Clinic of the Medical Clinic Podhale. A doctor examines a patient in the treatment room with the assistance of a nurse. Depending on the data obtained during the interview, the doctor determines the set of allergens that will be tested.

Blood tests

The basic tests are performed in the event of a suspected allergy in a patient. It is based on the determination of the so-called IgE antibodies in his blood. This makes it possible to quantify the pool of IgE antibodies or specific (specific) antibodies that may be involved in eliciting the given symptoms. The determination of the secon ones is important when the patient is qualified for desensitization, such as in the case of those people for whom it is impossible to conduct skin prick test (STP) due to a various health reasons.

This test is completely safe and can be performed even in patients with severe sickness symptoms. They can also be carried out in children.