Opening hours
Mon - Fri 8:00 - 21:00
Sat 8:00 - 18:00

st. Nowotarska 294,
34-431 Waksmund, Poland

doctor Magdalena Duda-Wiewiórka



The doctor is a graduate of the Medical University of Lublin. She has certificate in the field of ultrasound examinations of the Polish Gynecological Society. She regularly participates in numerous conferences, courses in the field of ultrasound, gynecology and obstetrics.

*the current dates of doctors’ admissions are available by calling: +48 18 264 40 00

In our clinic she deals with:

  • counseling in the field of gynecology and obstetrics,
  • comprehensive care for pregnant patients,
  • prevention of diseases: vulva, vagina, uterus, appendages,
  • conducting ultrasound examinations,
  • counseling in the field of pediatric gynecology,
  • comprehensive histopathological diagnostics of precancerous conditions and cancerous.

Additionally, she performs minor gynecological procedures, such as:

  • insertion and removal of inserts and implants,
  • uterine cavity biopsy (plus histopathological examination),
  • cervical biopsy (taking biopsies and curettage of the canal the neck),
  • twisting the cervical polyp,
  • fallopian tube patency test with saline,
  • incision of Bartholin’s gland abscess
  • treatment of condylomas (electric knife or LLETZ loop),
  • marsupialization of the Bartholin gland cyst (surgical treatment).