Opening hours
Mon - Fri 8:00 - 21:00
Sat 8:00 - 18:00

st. Nowotarska 294,
34-431 Waksmund, Poland

Breast reduction with modeling

180 minutes
up to 14 days

Breast reduction is a procedure that is more and more often chosen by those women who struggle with the problem of having too large breasts.

Many women opt for breast augmentation, whereas ladies with naturally large breasts often dissatisfied with it. This happens not only for aesthetic reasons: the disproportion in the appearance of the figure, stretching of the skin and lowering the mammary gland with age or after past pregnancies and feeding the baby. The reason for undergoing the procedure is also discomfort associated with the performance of daily activities or increasing back pain and aggravating posture defects related to the weight of the breast.

Gigantomastia – an embarrassing problem

Gigantomastia is, in other words, breast enlargement – the growth of adipose and glandular breast tissue into size that hinders functioning. In medicine, it is assumed that gigantomastia is mentioned in the moment when each breast reaches a weight of about 1.5 kilograms, or when their size is subjectively hinders normal functioning and is embarrassing for a woman. It is often associated with such ailments as:

  • spine pain in the thoracolumbar region,
  • skin chafing under the breasts,
  • spine statics disorders,
  • posture defects,
  • permanent degenerative changes.

The remedy for this type of problem is breast reduction surgery. It consists of removal of part of the breast gland and skin, and then modeling the breasts.

Consultation with a specialist

A specialist in plastic surgery qualifies the Patient for breast reduction surgery consultation, during which:

  • an examination and a medical interview are carried out,
  • preferences / expectations are discussed,
  • the course of the procedure and the scope of postoperative care are discussed,
  • the date of the operation is set,
  • the scope of additional tests that the patient must perform is determined,
  • the method of operation is selected in accordance with the patient’s anatomy.

Tests required to perform the procedure

Breast reduction surgery – like any invasive surgical operation – requires the patient to perform standard tests and possibly additional tests ordered by a doctor. testing of bleeding and blood clotting time (coagulation system) morphology with smear,

  • blood group,
  • creatinine,
  • anti Hbs,
  • anti HCV,
  • ionogram,
  • total urine,
  • fasting glucose
  • EKG,
  • tests ordered individually during consultations.

Pre-procedure recommendations

One month before the operation, you should give up smoking – to avoid the risk of healing disorders or potential infection.

You should not take acid-containing medications for about 2 weeks before the procedure like salicylic (anti-inflammatory and analgesic, e.g. aspirin, polopyrin), ibuprofen, paracetamol etc., as they prolong the blood clotting time which increases the risk of bleeding during the surgery.

You must not use other preparations that affect blood clotting (e.g. garlic or herbs, such as St. John’s wort, chamomile). However, about 3 days before the procedure, alcohol should be discontinued.

The course of the procedure

Breast reduction is performed under anesthesia. The procedure usually takes 2 to 3 hours – during which plastic surgeon makes an incision in the skin (according to the method previously agreed with the patient), then it moves the nipple and areola complex to the desired location. By the way, it reduces skin, subcutaneous tissue and gland, and then models the breasts.

The incisions may be located, for example, along the sub-breast fold or around or downstream of the areola.

It is worth knowing that a delicate scar will remain in these places.

After the surgery

The natural post-treatment effect is swelling and bruising, which will gradually disappear. The swelling may last for several weeks. After the surgery, the patient will receive a shaping bra, whose task is to finally shape the breasts. The final result will be visible after about 3 months after surgery. The bust will be smaller, more lifted, shapely and firmer.

Post-treatment recommendations

It is important that the patient strictly complies with the doctor’s instructions and for about 3 weeks after the procedure she led a quiet lifestyle. It is important not to exert yourself physically, to avoid stress and lifting arms. Swimming, sauna and sunbathing are forbidden. After about 2-3 weeks the doctor will recommend massaging the scars and possibly using special preparations aimed at accelerating healing and smoothing the skin in this place.

Good to know

Women who have opted for breast reduction should inform their doctor beforehand diagnostic tests such as mammography or ultrasound, although surgery should not be done affect their result.

Breast reduction procedures are performed at the Medical Clinic Podhale by experienced plastic surgeons from many years of professional career. Our patients come from Warsaw, Polanica Zdrój, and even the Netherlands.