Opening hours
Mon - Fri 8:00 - 21:00
Sat 8:00 - 18:00

st. Nowotarska 294,
34-431 Waksmund, Poland

Endoscopic discectomy of the spine

Endoscopic discectomy of the spine is a hernia removal procedure performed under local anesthesia and intravenous analgosedation as part of the so-called one-day surgery. Synonymous name for it the procedure is endoscopy of the spine.

It is estimated that as many as 80% of Poles struggle with pain problems in the area of ​​the spine. Causes of these ailments are both injuries and unhealthy lifestyle – i.e. lack of exercise, prolonged spine straining or lack of care for an ergonomic workplace – which may result in the occurrence of painful hernia of the nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc of the spine, commonly known as discopathy.

A minimally invasive procedure

Spine endoscopy is a minimally invasive procedure carried out with the use of advanced technologically devices. Currently, at the Medical Clinic Podhale, we use one of the best endoscopic systems available in the Polish market.

It is performed by dr Krzysztof Łokas – specialist in orthopedics and traumatology of the musculoskeletal system. Participant of many international trainings and courses in the field of adult orthopedics and pediatric orthopedics, and neurophysiology. Member of the Polish Orthopedic and Traumatological Society and the Polish Societ of Spine Surgery.

Pre-operative management

The patient is admitted to surgery after prior orthopedic consultation and qualifications of an anesthesiologist. For this purpose, he must perform blood tests and an ECG – possibly others tests prescribed by a doctor. It is also necessary to perform imaging diagnostics – MRI magnetic or x-ray. Thanks to this, the specialist can correctly assess the place of pressure of the nervous structures. Then, the preferred date for further consultations and for the patient’s surgery is agreed.


Discectomy is an endoscopic procedure performed under local anesthesia under the so-called one-day surgery. It is based on removing the displaced part of the intervertebral disc (hernias). Its purpose is to remove the pressure on the nerve that is the cause of the ailments, pain and numbness in the limbs.

The course of the operation

During the operation, after giving anesthesia to the patient , the doctor makes small skin incision through which, with the help of an endoscope (a device equipped with a camera and a source light) enters the spinal canal. At the same time, he observes the image on the monitor, which makes it possible to remove hernia with the help of micro tools. After releasing the nerve root, he sutures the fascia paraspinal muscles and skin.

Advantages of spine endoscopy

Endoscopic procedure with the use of the MaxMore system has many advantages, including:

  • a small postoperative wound,
  • trace blood loss,
  • slight interference with the paraspinal muscles,
  • less scar formation,
  • short stay at the clinic,
  • lower risk of infection,
  • quick return to physical activity,
  • slight pain after the procedure,
  • lower frequency of recurrences of symptoms,
  • negligible percentage of complications,
  • immediate relief of symptoms.

Postoperative recommendations

Discectomy is performed as part of the so-called one-day surgery – the patient undergoing surgery may leave the clinic a few hours after the operation, following individual medical recommendations and putting on control visits.


For some time (agreed with the orthopedist) you should refrain from physical exertion and strain back (avoid bending, lifting heavy objects, bending down and sudden twisting movements). Then, rehabilitation is recommended as an integral part of the treatment of the spine and preventing recurrence of ailments. The date of its commencement, scope and duration is determined by the leading doctor. We offer our patients care of a professional team of physiotherapists that helps in returning to full fitness.