Opening hours
Mon - Fri 8:00 - 21:00
Sat 8:00 - 18:00

st. Nowotarska 294,
34-431 Waksmund, Poland


45-90 minutes
Sexual absence
6 weeks

Hymen reconstruction

Hymenoplasty is a surgical procedure to reconstruct the hymen. In Poland, it is performed rarely – women choose it mainly for religious and social, cultural reasons. The procedure is minimally invasive – it does not cause any complications and is performed in local anesthesia.

Preoperative recommendations

The operation is preceded by a consultation visit to the Aesthetic Gynecology Clinic or Plastic Surgery Clinic. Before the procedure, the following tests should be performed:

  • blood group,
  • complete morphology with smear,
  • general urine test,
  • coagulogram,
  • ECG – after 40 years of age,
  • electrolyte level, ionogram,
  • HBS antigen,
  • anti HCV,
  • sugar level.

Before the procedure, for about 2 weeks, it is forbidden to take anti-influenza drugs, antiarrheals, aspirin and its derivatives and vitamin E.

On the day of the planned surgery ( 6 hours before the planned surgery) you should not eat and drink and take care of epilation of intimate areas.

The course of the operation

The hymenoplasty procedure can be described as uncomplicated. The doctor cuts the hyphae on the walls of the vagina and sews them together with an absorbable thread to obtain the continuity of the membrane.

Postoperative recommendations

The patient is sent back home after hospitalization for several hours. She should be there for your follow-up visit about a week after the procedure, although the exact date is determined by a specialist doctor performing the procedure.

It usually takes several days to return to full physical activity. You can start being together approximately 6 weeks after surgery.