Opening hours
Mon - Fri 8:00 - 21:00
Sat 8:00 - 18:00

st. Nowotarska 294,
34-431 Waksmund, Poland

Knee arthroscopy

Knee arthroscopy is a safe surgical technique that makes it possible to penetrate the joint without its invasive opening. This allows for a precise diagnosis of diseases and its supplies. It is performed especially in the case of ligament damage of cruciate or treating damage to cartilage and menisci.

Other arthroscopic procedures

In Medical Clinic Podhale, the following procedures are performed using arthroscopic methods:

  • meniscus resection,
  • treatment of microfractures,
  • synovectomy,
  • removal of free bodies,
  • repair of the meniscus with an implant,
  • reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament – ACL,
  • reconstruction of the posterior cruciate ligament – PCL,
  • reconstruction of the posterolateral complex,
  • reconstruction of the tibial collateral ligament – MCL.

Eligibility for surgery

Knee arthroscopy is a procedure planned after prior detailed diagnostics are made by the best orthopedic specialists of the orthopedic clinic. During the consultation, the doctor explains how to prepare for the procedure and briefly describes its course.


The following health problems can be mentioned among the contraindications for the procedure:

  • unregulated hypertension,
  • diabetes,
  • limited mobility of the joint,
  • inflammation of the tissues around the joints,
  • ischemic heart disease,
  • untreated infections.

Preparation for the procedure

The patient should follow the doctor’s recommendations and perform the basic tests, such as:

  • ECG,
  • blood group,
  • morphology,
  • electrolytes,
  • sugar level,
  • liver tests,
  • coagulation system,
  • urinalysis.

A “valid” vaccination of hepatitis B is absolutely required.

The course of the procedure

The procedure is most often performed under general anesthesia. It is based on introducing into the knee pond (through an approximately centimeter incision) microcamera, thanks to which the doctor can evaluate and carefully examine its components. The second access (also centimeter) is introduced with arthroscopic microtools enabling the repair of existing damages.

Post-treatment recommendations

The patient should first of all follow the doctor’s instructions. In Most of cases, the knee does not require immobilization – and the procedure does not require a hospitalisation – after several hours you can go home.

Convalescence is faster than with traditional surgery. It is generally recommended to relieve the joint for several days through the use of crutches, the use of cold compresses and medications such as painkillers and lifting the limb while resting. After the time indicated by the doctor, rehabilitation exercises – such as lifting – can be introduced to straighten limb in a supine position, strengthening the quadriceps muscle or tightening calves. The joint is then gradually restored to full mobility. Usually full efficiency follows about 6 weeks after surgery.

We cordially invite you to the orthopedic clinic, where you are qualified for the procedure by experienced specialists.