Opening hours
Mon - Fri 8:00 - 21:00
Sat 8:00 - 18:00

st. Nowotarska 294,
34-431 Waksmund, Poland


30-90 minutes
local / general
7-14 days

Fat is the best natural filler!

Fat Transplant – Lipofiling or Lipotransfer is a safe, minimally invasive and effective method of body and face modeling; leveling local excess of fat and filling tissue defects subcutaneously and reducing signs of aging with autologous adipose tissue transplantation.

The fat transplant procedure involves taking fat from the place where it is present in excess (abdomen, thighs, lumbar region), and then reimplantation properly prepared fat cells in the area we want to correct. Fat tissue is the best natural filler. It can be used to enlarge the lips, reducing wrinkles, smoothing folds or filling various types of defects. Transplanted from your own body will be well tolerated by the body and give a natural effect.

Indications for surgery


  • local excess body fat (e.g. chin area),
  • deep wrinkles and furrows,
  • loss of face volume,
  • adipose tissue deficiency, sunken cheeks,
  • facial asymmetry,
  • acne and post-traumatic scars,
  • correction of the shape and size of the lips,
  • collapses under the eyes.


  • local excess of adipose tissue (e.g. knee area, abdomen),
  • asymmetries,
  • post-traumatic or postoperative losses,
  • modeling the shape and lines of the body.

Eligibility for surgery

Qualification for the procedure takes place at the Plastic Surgery Clinic at the Medical Clinic Podhale. During the consultation, our specialists will answer all bothering questions and choose the best one treatment method. During the consultation, medical interview and tests are carried out. Patient’s expectations and the scope of surgical activities are discussed.

The course of the procedure

Adipose tissue transplantation is similar to standard liposuction, but requires collection of definitely less tissue. Fat is collected most often from the medial surfaces such as thighs or suprapubic areas. It is taken a little more than it will be needed for transplant, because fat cells can be damaged and biodegraded during the treatment, reducing them the mass of the collected tissue up to 30%. As a result, it is sometimes necessary to repeat the surgery.

Recommendations before surgery

The patient comes without jewelry, in loose clothes that do not restrict movement. In the clinic, photos are taken that constitute the patient’s medical documentation. At least 2 weeks before the operation, you should not use aspirin and other medications containing acetylsalicylic acid. You must not use other preparations that affect blood clotting (herbs, garlic).

Three days before the operation, you must not use the pain medications: paracetamol, pyralgine and drugs such as NSAIDs (e.g. Ketonal, Ibuprofen, Naproxen and others). At least 4 weeks before the planned surgery, all hormonal drugs should be discontinued, contraceptives; and hormone replacement therapy drugs. You must not smoke at least 3 weeks before the planned surgery.

Recommendations after surgery

At the end, sutures and dressings are applied, and the place of collection is compressed by using a special one prepared clothes or patches.

After the procedure, both at the site of collection and transplantation, a hematoma or suppuration wounds or temporary unevenness of the operated areas may appear. The places from which the fatty tissue was collected should be massaged and covered compression dressings. After the procedure, you can return to normal activities after just a few days from its implementation.

For about 2 weeks, avoid: physical exertion, hot baths, swimming in the pool, saunas. Adipose tissue is a material that undergoes natural absorption, therefore the effect achieved in the day of surgery may weaken in the coming weeks. The doctor is unable to before to determine before the procedure what part of the cells will be absorbed – it depends on individual predispositions of the organism of each patient. The treatment can be repeated up to the moment of obtaining the desired aesthetic effect (the time interval required between subsequent treatments are min. 2 months – this is how long it takes to stabilize the effects).