Opening hours
Mon - Fri 8:00 - 21:00
Sat 8:00 - 18:00

st. Nowotarska 294,
34-431 Waksmund, Poland

Prostate excision

Prostate excision is a procedure performed in our clinic as part of one-day surgery. The prostate – or the prostate gland – is located near the bladder and surrounds the urethra. It is a small gland of extremely important importance – it produces seminal fluid, which is the basis of sperm and accounts for about 15% of the volume of semen. Sperm produced in the testicles float in this fluid – it is in the form of a viscous, milky white liquid and consists of enzymes and acids.

Symptoms that suggest prostate disease

When the prostate becomes enlarged (e.g. due to cancerous growth) – the first symptom that is observed is problems with urinating. Therefore, in order to implement the treatment of ailments related to this gland as quickly and effectively as possible, consult a doctor – urologist. This is especially important if there is a suspicion of cancer, which is detected by a specialist through digital rectal examination and PSA levels. The sooner we come for a consultation, the greater the likelihood of a cure.

The so-called dysuric disorders accompanying problems with prostate hyperplasia include:

  • more frequent urination
  • often associated with pain in the perineal area,
  • stream reduction or intermittent stream,
  • urinary incontinence
  •  blood in urine or semen.

Prostate removal surgery

It happens that prostatic hypertrophy requires its surgical removal. Before the procedure, the doctor will order basic examinations and discuss possible other ailments during the consultation, as well as conduct an interview on the medications taken on a regular basis. On the basis of the collected data, qualification for the procedure takes place.

Prostate excision is performed under general anesthesia (anesthesia) – the doctor can choose between two options: making an incision in the patient’s lower abdomen or conducting the procedure through the perineum. In the case of prostate cancer, the entire prostate is removed (the procedure is called radical prostatectomy), and in the next step, the doctor connects the urethra with the bladder and introduces a catheter that allows urination after the procedure. The operation takes from an hour to three hours.

Post-treatment recommendations

Drains are connected to the operated site to remove exudate, blood and urine. They are disconnected on the second day after surgery. A catheter inserted by a doctor is needed by the patient for two to three weeks.

During the day following the prostatectomy, you should drink only fluids (at least 2.5 liters a day), gradually replaced by liquid food on the next day. After the time indicated by your doctor, you should enrich your diet with high-protein foods.

It is also important to strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations, attend check-ups and avoid physical exertion (lifting heavy objects, playing sports). Convalescence takes about two months. We cordially invite you to consult our clinic.