Opening hours
Mon - Fri 8:00 - 21:00
Sat 8:00 - 18:00

st. Nowotarska 294,
34-431 Waksmund, Poland


90-120 minutes
Sexual absence
6-8 weeks


Vaginoplasty is an operation to widen or narrow the vagina and / or it vestibule – so that the correct size is restored. It is popular – one of the most common performed – procedures in plastic gynecology.

It is most often carried out in women who have experienced a stretch or after a hard childbirth that splits of the reproductive organs. Patients decide to undergo vaginoplasty mainly to improve quality of sex life. Thanks to cultural changes in the approach to intimacy and one’s own corporeality women’s awareness has increased in this regard. It is the most modern treatment methods that enable this type of organ’s regeneration after pregnancy and childbirth.

The course of the procedure

The doctor makes an incision in the area of ​​the vaginal opening, on the back wall of the vagina, getting rid of unnecessary tissue. Then he sutures the wound with soluble threads so that there is an entrance to the vagina in the shape desired by the patient and performs perineoplasty, which ends the entire procedure. As a result, it obtains a narrowing of the vagina, which significantly improves the quality of intercourse and reduces the risk of infections of the reproductive organ. Labioplasty can also be performed during the same operation.

Preoperative recommendations

The surgery is preceded by a consultation visit to the aesthetic gynecology clinic or the plastic surgery clinic. Before the procedure, the patient should perform the following tests:

  • blood group,
  • complete morphology with smear,
  • general urine test,
  • coagulogram,
  • ECG – after 40 years of age,
  • electrolyte level,
  • ionogram,
  • HBS antigen,
  • anti HCV,
  • sugar level.

Before the planned procedure (for about 2 weeks), the following drugs should not be taken: aspirin or its derivatives (eg Acard), antitussive and anti-influenza drugs, and vitamin E. Agents are not recommended as they prolong bleeding during surgery. On the day of the planned surgery, you should not eat and drink. You should also take care of epilation of intimate zones.

Postoperative recommendations

After the vaginoplasty procedure, the patient usually stays in the clinic for 1 day. After of one-day hospitalization, she is discharged home. Depending on the individual time of convalescence after surgery and anesthesia, the patient can leave the clinic after a few hours.

A control visit to the clinic should take place after 7 days. The exact time will be determined by the doctor performing the procedure. Usually, the patient returns to complete physical activity after a few days. The period of wound healing and swelling is individual, but in most cases it is around 7 days. After the procedure, it is possible to feel lingering pain which is alleviated after both administration of over-the-counter painkillers and weak opioids – available on prescription.

Hygiene of the intimate place is a daily gentle washing with running water and liquid intimate hygiene and drying the seams with a paper towel by touching, not rubbing. It is inadvisable to use bar soap, sponges and washcloths, as they can develop bacteria. A healing external wound can be lubricated with an ointment prescribed by a leading doctor, for faster healing and milder scarring of the operated patients places.

Meticulous adherence to postoperative recommendations is crucial in quick recovery and significantly affects the end result of the operation.


Vascular disorders, blood clotting disorders, unregulated arterial hypertension, unregulated, diabetes, purulent infection of the skin and mucous membranes.

Consultation and qualifications

Qualification for surgical procedures in the field of plastic surgery takes place as part of a visit to Plastic Surgery Clinics. During the consultation, the doctor orders the patient a package of necessary tests performed before the planned surgery. The patient also receives information on preoperative and postoperative recommendations. On the day of the procedure, the patient is also consulted with an anesthetist who will participate in the procedure.